
Johnny Lu is a fashion photographer and director from Taiwan. He started his personal studio in 2017. Most of his clients have been in the U.S. and Asia, where he was traveled and lived extensively so that he has been able to learn about and appreciate these different cultures.

Johnny Lu 來自台灣的時尚攝影師,多年海外生活沈澱出對攝影的狂熱,專注的是藝術、時尚與創新的拍攝風格,色彩鮮明風格且以數位與底片拍攝,作品遍布時尚與廣告領域。

Now in TAIPEI 現居台北市,工作聯繫請email

email: johnny781212@gmail.com

Phone: 0925781212 International :+886 925781212

Models.com page : https://models.com/people/johnny-lu


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